Department of Natural Resources FAQs
Published on Sunday February 20, 2022
What is the difference between Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Health?
Department of Natural Resources includes agriculture fisheries and environment: we deal with food security, fisheries management and environmental management. Department of Health Protection- Environmental Health Unit deals with issuing food handler’s permits, checking properties that are to be quarantine sites and waste management.
What is the process for removing sand from the beach?
In order to remove sand from the beach, you must apply to the Department of Physical Planning for a sand mining permit. Please note that it is likely that this will be denied as sand mining is illegal in Anguilla.
What is the process of getting a CITES Permit?
CITES stands for Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. In order to determine if you require a CITES permit, you must first consider if the species and/or derivatives you are hoping to import or export are listed in the Convention. You then have to determine in which Appendix the species and/or its derivatives are listed, if there are annotations and finally, what type of permit is required. These questions may be answered by calling or visiting the Department of Natural Resources, but this process must be done way in advance of the intended date of import or export.